CONSIGNOR/SHIPPER/SUPPLIER (GOODS FROM) Name *Required Address *Required Phone *Required ABN CONSIGNEE (GOODS TO) Name *Required Address (physical address ONLY) *Required Phone *Required Email (for invoicing) *Required DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Description of goods *Required Number of Items *Required Value of goods *Required DECLARATION Does it contain Dangerous Cargo*Required YesNo Dangerous Cargo is as specified by the IMDG Code, where the YES box is ticked, full details including UN Number, Class, Proper Shipping Name and MSDS to be provided at time of receivals into Zentner Shipping warehouse. All goods shipped, are done so under the Terms of the carrier’s Bill of Lading and Zentner Shipping Terms and Conditions. I declare that the information on this form is correct and I am aware of the contents of the consigned packages. Senders name *Required Senders Driver's licence number *Required Date*Required This form has been completed truthfully and accurately *Required YesNo ALL DETAILS ARE TO BE COMPLETED AND THE FORM SIGNED AND DATED TO PREVENT DELAYS IN SHIPPING YOUR CARGO You can email the Statement of Contents form to or Fax: 08 9434 1144 Please leave this field empty. Δ