Cocos Islands Weather Surcharge Rates
To All Cocos Islands Shippers, With voyage AL2404 coming up, the Cocos Islands Weather Surcharge has been calculated at the following rates: $350 per 20’ container $15 per revenue
To All Cocos Islands Shippers, With voyage AL2404 coming up, the Cocos Islands Weather Surcharge has been calculated at the following rates: $350 per 20’ container $15 per revenue
Good Day Shippers, Voyage BK2301 will be the last voyage for the Borkum. The new ship is called ASC Lotti, further details below and on the shipping schedule. First voyage
New “BIOSECURITY SURCHARGE” The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, have now introduced a new FPOE (First Point of Entry) facility on West Island. All cargo